This is especially hilarious because so much of this rhetoric came from Trump himself! He basically established his political voice by playing peanut gallery through the whole Obama presidency and pushing birther nonsense.
We all know that this is a bullshit statement that Republicans trot out to try and shame people into not opposing them, that’s a given. But to use that to defend Trump, who spent all of the Obama presidency doing EXACTLY that loudly and vocally is a special level of irony.
Or, he did a Nazi salute because, and I know this is some outside the box, crazy thinking: He’s a Nazi.
I know, right? Racist, apartheid profiteer, open supporter of racist far right parties across the world, frequent promoter & amplifier of far right wing and openly racist & anti-Semitic voices on his social media platform? The guy who just bought his way into power and has funded the rise of mask-off fascism in America? That guy is a Nazi? No way.