I was going to ask, but I just looked it up: it looks as if USB-4 has enough bandwidth to drive dual 4k monitors at 120Hz (and docks exist that support this).
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I was going to ask, but I just looked it up: it looks as if USB-4 has enough bandwidth to drive dual 4k monitors at 120Hz (and docks exist that support this).
That’s one I hadn’t encountered. At those distances I start contemplating wireless solutions.
Got myself a nice outdoor POE camera, a bunch of appropriate CAT and power adapter… and then realized that since the previous owners had put in a sheet-rock ceiling (not complaining; drop ceilings make me fell like I’m living in a warehouse), I had no easy way to run the ethernet all the way crosswise across the house from where the switch was to where I wanted the camera. I’d been thinking since the utility room wasn’t finished I’d figure a way to thread it with a flashlight and a “step 3: ???”. The moral is that running long wires is not my favorite thing.
Also, the DRM baked into the specification is such bullshit.
That’s the one thing they have absolutely no interest in getting rid of. They’ll change everything about the spec, including the connector, but that part’s staying in.
Is DVI completely out of the picture? I hate the connector, but I’ve had a lot of issues with DP, mainly around Linux support and multi-monitor setups.
I was kinda hoping USB-C/4/Thunderbolt would step into this space and normalize chaining and small connectors, but all of those monitors are stupidly expensive.
Thanks for the answers!
I used to do side installs, usually into /opt, which worked well, except when it didn’t. Usually when other things, like Python, expected stuff to live in a certain place and not somewhere unexpected, like /opt. But then, installing stuff manually would sometimes interfere with package manager files, which always ended up taking time and being a pain. I think that’s why I like pacman so much; making packages are trivial, and then all of the file management, clean uninstalls that don’t leave artifacts behind, conflict checks (if not resolution)… all of that stuff that was at times a PITA with autoconf/make install became non-issues.
I need to look at xpbs. I mean, I’m happy with Arch, but Void seems to be a little leaner, and Arch is fully onboard the systemd train, with Artix being am example of how hard it is to climb out of the avalanche.
I’ve thought about Void. And LFS. And I submitted some packages for Alpine, although I’m not running it anywhere except as container bases.
Last time I really strayed from the Arch ranch was Artix, and that was TBH pretty painful on a day-to-day basis.
I’d like something like Arch but with less systemd. ChimeraOS looks promising, once it stabilizes. But how’s Void treating you? How’s xbps? I’m pretty in love with pacman; rolling release is a must, but IME you really only realize how good or bad a package manager is after it’s too late, and you’ve been using it long enough to hit your first dependency hell/upgrade issue. After years of hell with RPM and deb, pacman was a godsend.
runit isn’t my favorite initd alternative (dinit ftw, at the moment), but it beats systemd and I don’t have a huge amount of experience with it. Do you like it?
Critical to me is being able to easily toss together package manager recipes for stuff that isn’t in the official repo; I really believe in keeping systems clean by only installing through the package manager. Pacman packages are stupid simple to write and easy to work with, and yay makes things even better. How’s xbps in this area?
EFS boot is easy? Stuff like btrfs boot partitions and snapper support easily available? No idiocy like trying to force users onto Wayland prematurely?
I’m running EndeavorOS on three computers (2 desktops, one laptop). My wife uses the laptop, but TBH I admin it. She’s aware it’s Linux, but not much more than that.
Anyway, does that count for 3 (per boxen), or 2 (per person)?
Also, it’s running my MIL’s desktop that just streams classical 24/7, and she uses to check her bank account once a week. So that’s 4? 4 more EndeavorOS installs, ah, ah, aaahh!
humans are supposed to eat vegetables and fruit
Hmmm hmmm. Along with meat, because humans are omnivores.
If you choose to live a different lifestyle, for ethics or sustainability, then that’s your choice. But don’t go making up biological, science-sounding falsehoods. Our closest evolutionary cousins are omnivores, just like ourselves.
I mean, do whatever you want to your own body, but for gods sake don’t feed that utter shit to your kids!
Ok, how insulating is latex? Not very?
This looks thicker. Still hot.
Winter is the time to express your sexy inner goth, and also keep those wandering hands at bay with some hedgehog-ish defense! And speaking of defense,
No skin, super sexy. Can’t go wrong with full plate.
Death notwithstanding, hubba, hubba!
Finally, there is no one more sexy than Diana Rigg’s Emma Peel, many of whose outfits look reasonably warm
If that last is leather and not latex, then plenty warm!
There is a project to standardize (and document) the API, called OpenSubsonic. It includes extensions, but the main value is that it tries to consistently document expected behavior. It’s an uphill battle, because the Subsonic API is a schizophrenic mess, and no two servers interpret API responses the same way, but it’s still a decent project. I contribute to a client, and we try to adhere to the OpenSubsonic documentation.
My only criticism about the API is that it’s focused on streaming, which means we can’t consolidate server control (e.g. mpd) and streaming, which would make writing versatile clients easier, but still.
Tempo is a fantastic client, BTW, and has largely replaced my local offline client use.
I guess you could also ask what’s the reason for working at a suicide hotline? Seems similar enough in many cases.
They aren’t similar, though, are they? OP’s hypothetical is that someone came for help, got some advice about care, and said “no.” In the hotline case, someone’s actively reaching out for help. They start the same, but in the case of your hotline, the caller can hang up at any time and pull the trigger; you can’t trap them on the phone.
This is “no stupid questions,” but asking rational questions about religion is a waste of time. In most religions, the answer ultimately “you are too stupid to understand the great plan of god.”
You can debate interpretation of religious texts, or how best to follow the laws religions set down; but questioning articles of faith is fruitless.
Christianity is especially full of self-contradictions and paradoxes: can God create a rock so big he can’t lift it? You can spend a lifetime poking holes in The Bible, and you will never get a rational, satisfactory answer that isn’t based on a version of “you are too stupid/not meant to know.”
Many religions are less paradoxical, but the monotheistic ones are mostly just an unbelievable shit-show, unless you’re especially susceptible to self-delusion.
No apologies to Christians: your religion is a fucking mess. You have to be particularly dumb to read the old and new testaments and come away thinking those are the same God. That the loving, caring one who sacrificed his son for people is the same one who allowed Satan to torture his most faithful worshipper on a bet.
Buddhism and most pagan religions make more sense. Buddhism in particular lacks most of the dependency on mysticism and unprovable articles of faith, and is almost more a philosophy than a religion. Buddhists, I can respect. But Christianity is all sorts of dumb.
Actually, taken by itself, the new testament is mostly OK; if you follow only Christ’s teachings, and ignore the peyote trips of post-crucifixion books, like, Revelations, it’s a solid basis for a society of decent people. But Christ was a liberal socialist, which is why most organized Christianity leans so heavily on the old testament and ignores Christ’s teachings of acceptance, communism, and forgiveness.
And not prepared plant products, but raw, with dirt and bugs on it.
Vegetables. It’s vegetables from someone’s garden.
Ukrainians are some ingenious mofos.
“Improved mental state”?
“Improved self-confidence”?
I think the person who made this list did not grow up as a girl. This coming hard on the heels of man/bear.
It’s a dick move to pinch leaves if for no other reason that someone else may want to buy that plant, and you’re damaging it. Enough people do it, it’s a dead plant.
Leaves fallen to the floor? Boutique or not, fair game. If you’re willing to propagate from a leaf, you’re probably not going to be buying whole plants anyway, and it doesn’t hurt the store.