It is when it’s elote.
Professional software engineer, musician, gamer, stoic, democratic socialist
It is when it’s elote.
I think it’s a bit more insidious. Writing a good search engine has become much harder since the first iteration of Google. Yes the root of the issue is greed, but it’s not all the fault of the search engine. Now you have to deal with SEO-optimized marketing material generated by AI.
Building a “good” search engine today is like entering an arms race.
This is farfetched. People love meat, and we have for our entire history. Even India only has around 30% vegetarian population. The demand for not just protein but specifically meat will never go away.
The only way I see us avoiding animal slaughter is by mastering bioengineering to the point where we can grow a perfectly marbled brisket in a lab without actually cloning the whole cow.
I don’t think there is a world where Linux gains significant market share AND users care what sudo is. In order for Linux to be more mainstream, those kinds of details should not be the concern of laypeople. GUIs are what average people are able to stomach.
Let’s not lower the standard anywhere near Trump.
“crushing it” might be a bit superlative but sure