Isn’t that description pretty accurate?
Isn’t that description pretty accurate?
What is this Linuxos? I only know Lunix, made by a soviet hacker named Linyos Torovoltos
German humor :)
maybe 1% of the population […]
That would be more than 800k people, although the number of affected people does not make a difference. You don’t even think about taking communication away from anyone without there being a replacement for them. And in the scope of Germany, this means that we’ll need starlink access for the next decade or so.
Thanks, at least someone got it. We are the third biggest economy on this planet and still have the shittiest internet connection a developed country can possibly have, and all of that is only because one corrupt politician said (as in “was paid to say”) that Television is the technology of the future. It’s getting better, but holy fuck, how could this happen.
Have you never been to small and poor countries like Germany where this sometimes is the best option for getting internet access?
Not really, that would translate to “Es ist ich-wurst”
Make sure you have regional results enabled if you’re not from the US, results get way better (just make sure the little toggle right below the search bar is on)
Fuck GitLab, all my homies use Codeberg