n. I couldn’t give a flying fuck (English English)
One of the ways to say in Brazilian Portuguese: “estou cagando e andando”
Literally, “I am shitting and walking (simultaneously)”
It’s me sausage actually. And it doesn’t mean no fucks given, rather it is all the same to me.
Greek Yeah I know of that phrase but it’s not really used. It’s as funny in Greek as it is in English.
Most common is “on my balls”, the short version of I am writing it/him/her on my balls. Implying that you care so little you have the name of it/him/her written on your balls. Yeah it does t make much sense.
The lighter version (you would see in subtitles for example) is “to me there is no nail being burned”. I don’t know where it comes from. Must be something to do with nails being left behind when you burn wooden structure.
Edit: oh I remembered another; “I shat myself”.
Or a simple “Na” while pointing to your nether region will do as well.
“My dick hurts” - various west Balkan languages.
Swearing in Greece and across most of the whole region is hilarious. The actual “I don’t care”/“zero fucks given” phrase is to write something on your balls or dick.
So many sayings are mother/whore/balls/dick based - not offensive phrases, just common sayings.
Also in French: “it touches one (ball) without moving the other”
As famously said by a former president of the country.
I’m Dutch. Never heard of that phrase. They probably mean “It can rust on my ass” “‘t kan me aan mijn reet roesten” still never heard people using that. Is probably regional.
Flemish: kan mij geen reet schelen
It’s even in the lardass van dale: https://www.vandale.nl/gratis-woordenboek/nederlands/betekenis/reet
lardass van dale?
The fat hooligan.
I use it sometimes. We also use an equivalent of the German one: het zou mij worst wezen.
Ma doare in pulă. That is in romanian from what I have learned which basically means I feel pain in my dick
Where are the Greeks here? Someone please tell me how to say it in Greek.
Στον πούτσο μου λουλούδια και γύρω γύρω μέλισσες is a very niche phrase for those who are definitely not into the whole brevity thing. In reality most will say “on my dick” or “on my balls”. The complete expression is to write something that one does not care about on their dick or balls, but the first part about the writing is usually ommited.
I’m not Greek, but I think I got at least one.
I’ll write it here as well for those who don’t want to it delivered by the great Frank Skinner on QI in less than 20 seconds:
"“κάτι τρέχει στα γύφτικα”, I think (hopefully I got that right.) Basically it means “who cares”, but literally it translates to “there’s trouble in the gypsy village.”
Spoiler Title
"“κάτι τρέχει στα γύφτικα”, I think (hopefully I got that right.) Basically it means “who cares”, but literally it translates to “there’s trouble in the gypsy village.”
This is more of a “so what else is new” statement though. Basically means the situation is exactly as expected or otherwise undeserving of further attention.
Oh okay I thought the connotation might not be the exact same, but I wasn’t entertained by it anyway so I linked it.
Thank you for informing me.
This is why I’m still on the Internet.
We also say “it’s sausage to me” in Czech, as calques between the two languages are very common, but the more frequent expression is “it’s blow to me”.
- I slap my balls on it (French)
If that one sounds weird, the translation misses the point that it’s a masturbation reference. It should be “i beat my balls to it”. Compare with “je m’en branle”, litterally “i jack to it”
That makes no sense to me. If you’re masturbating to something it means you care about it quite a bit!
You’re not jacking off to it, it’s more that masturbating is more important to you than whatever it is
Ah, that makes more sense. Although considering how much people seem to like masturbating, it’s not a huge insult to say you’d rather do that than something else.
I always understood it to mean “i slap my balls with it”, meaning that whatever were talking about is used to self inflict testicular pain, which is not something enjoyable
I think it was a translation of « je m’en bats les couilles »
(Which would translate more to “I slap my balls OF it”)
Ball grammar today… who would’ve thunk 😅
I’m also confused by the translation of the French idiom.
But then I’m also confused by the idiom itself: I think initially it’s “j’m’en branle”, “I’m wanking off of it”.
Then the hit my balls part should be similar to “beat your meat”.
Hence my proposed translation: I’m beating my balls off of it.
And yes it’s quite rude language in French too, that I’m sure!
But… There’s more !
Like many foul language in French, it can be decorated and escalated, even if it deteriorates the meaning. For the same idiom, some variations specify what you’re using to beat your balls: With a tart server: j’m’en bats les couilles avec une pelle à tarte With a french window: j’m’en bats les couilles avec une porte fenêtre
If you’re the proud owner of a vagina you would instead say: “j’m’en bats les steaks”. Steak is the same English word but here it refers to your labia. Then I guess the same variations as above can be applied.
Czech (pretty much also Slovak):
- “Mám v piči” - I have that in my pussy
- “Je mi to u prdele” - it is (exists) next to my anus
We also say “it’s sausage to me”, as Czech-German calques are very common, but the more frequent expression is “it’s blow to me”.(as in a gust of air).
I haven’t heard “Mám v píči” but probably because it’s the most informal option.
Similar to sausage one (“Je mi to buřt”) there’s also “Mám to na salámu” (I have that on salami). Another one that I hear quite often is “Je mi to šumák” (It’s a fizzy drink to me).
Mám v piči: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXktQC4h9sE&pp=ygUMbcOhbSB2IHBpxI1p
Danish: “Det rager mig en papand”
Lit. “That fondles me (like) a cardboard duck.”