We met here on Lemmy, of all places, believe it or not (sorry fellas, lol). I’ve never had communication so effortless. It’s like she already knows exactly what she wants to say as soon as I finish my thought (sometimes before, that’s how you know)!
After being jerked around so much over the years, I think this might finally be the one.
I messaged them the first time I got a message, back before anyone else had ever posted about it. I’ve gotten a few random DMs from confused people not familiar with how this site works, and just assumed it was one of those.
They didn’t respond back though, and then I started seeing others posting about it. They also keep making new accounts to spam the same exact message. I keep blocking and reporting them, and I’ve still gotten 3 more just this week.
Huh, wonder what the scam is?
If the image has a unique name or unique-combination of images sent to any one user and is hosted on a server that the sender controls — haven’t checked — it could be an attempt to deanonymize Threadiverse users by getting their IP addresses.
For example, say tal@lemmy.today gets https://imagehost.com/girl34720.jpg and https://imagehost.com/girl83710.jpg.
The server can see the IP address of the client that loaded the images. The attacker knows that only tal@lemmy.today received that combination. Now the attacker knows tal@lemmy.today’s IP address.
Lemmy proxies acces to embedded images
But do the other frontends also do this?
Wait, this an inside joke? Who is she?
It’s a DM spammer bot.
Why spam if you’re not going to follow up though
The DM I got had external links, so that’s probably the goal. They’re too cheap to setup a DM chat bot apparently.