Freetube and Grayjay on desktop both had this same issue but they resolved it in a few days. Both work on Linux and also let you download videos. Grayjay also lets you sync with Grayjay on mobile to get your subscribed channels, playlists, etc. Neither require google accounts and are full privacy frontends that don’t use the youtube API.
This is why I use freetube.
Does it also happen when you disable all plugins? Happened for me when I had a plugin running to bring back downvotes.
I’m 95% sure it’s a combination of Linux + Firefox + uBlock Origin and YouTube is trying to make me get rid of all three of those. Not gonna happen.
I mean, I could try disabling uBlock Origin, but either way I don’t get to see content, so what’s the point? 🥲
Another one with Linux + FF + uB-O here, and I also don’t have problems with Youtube.
But they broke uB-O recently, maybe you need to upgrade it.
I have Firefox and ublock and watch an ungodly amount of YT, no issues.
I have ff and ublock on windows and every now and then YouTube videos have issues like stopping playing and not recovering (where an ad would play).
Only fix is to hard refresh the page.
Sometimes hard refresh wasn’t enough and I had to actually quit firefox (which also cleared cookies) and try again. Doesn’t happen too often tho.
That’s one of their antiAdBlock features, actually, and it’s working as designed. Hard refresh doesn’t work for me. I stopped using yt site on desktop, and only use freetube now. If a video doesn’t play on that, I yt-dlp it.
I’m having no problem with YouTube using Firefox and uBlock on Android
Pretty sure YouTube hates uBlock Origin. BUt I will keep using it forever. f* google
I would use Newpipe. On mobile you can get it from F-droid and on desktop you can use Waydroid if you are on Linux.
Just a side note but I would use there F-droid repo over F-droid main
Update Firefox. They just had an update which fixes the plethora of problems with slow performing YouTube. Specifically 134.0.1
I have no clue how this could be the case, but the issue really is gone in 134.0.2.
Why does a browser need to update to fix YouTube? Should that be the other way around?
Because Google intentionally breaks their sites when loaded on Firefox, so Mozilla have to keep reverse engineering their bullshit and implementing countermeasures, in an arms race somewhat reminiscent of duck genitals.
Duckduckgo loading empty half the time in my case.