Maybe on the keyboards. But as much as everyone is talking about sending CEOs to the guillotines, nobody is actually doing it. It’s just angry posting and venting on social media in between regular dull life moments.
Well, not nobody
3 of the greatest people of our time
Brian Thompson would like a word.
Nah, we’re just in a weird echo chamber.
So is MAGA. Most people, I think, do have strong opinions on things just thanks to social media brain rot but what they don’t have is an actual plan, organization, or the actual fire you need to fight a revolution.
The Gravy Seals were just a typical example of how well your average revolutionary is really prepared.
Very few people here seem to understand how high the bar is to get a violent revolution going.
Your average American upon believing that the revolution has started will shake their heads and maybe have casual conversations with their friends about that crazy revolution that got started while they drink beer at their local bar or bingo hall or whatever, and leave early cuz they gotta get up for work tomorrow.
No revolution is happening without the government making some serious disruptions to those people’s way of life, and even then most of them will just blame immigrants like they’re told.
I personally think it’s only a matter of time. Trump is terrible at the type of finesse needed to properly ‘boil the frog.’
I hope so. Traditionally the fascist way is to pick off small groups so they don’t have to frog boil as much. Hoping they overstep their bounds and people get pissed and do something.
Personally I think the frog is already well done, but Trump is the exact kind of stupid to crash the economy when given ultimate power, and even cooked frogs… Need to eat?
Okay, the metaphor breaks down after a bit.
Does make me wonder how many people are trying to affect local change. That’s not going to get notice by anyone online, after all.
It has.
The problem is that the resistance hasn’t gotten rolling yet.
What? You don’t think the takeover of the US government by fascists isn’t a revolution? It is. It’s joust that the bloodshed is going to come after they solidify power instead of bale before.
And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.
- Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation
You say “yet” as if there’s any indication it will ever start.
Well, let’s play pretend for a second.
Imagine, if you will, a country that used to have good history basics. A country well armed, and with direct experience facing fascism.
Imagine that, despite the best attempts at killing that education system, that are still people that remember the price of fascism, if not directly, through the memories out those that did experience it directly.
Imagine that not all of those people are complacent.
Imagine that out of those aware, watching, and willing to act, there are some who have had the sense to recognize the possibilities.
Imagine that those people have been quiet publicly because they know they would have sounded paranoid. Imagine that, quietly and carefully, they’ve been stocking ammo, learning useful skills and hoping that it’s all wasted time and effort.
Now, imagine that the pollen problem with forming a resistance is that you don’t know who you can trust. Even in times of apparent peace, governmental agencies tend to keep a close eye on people practicing the kind of skills needed to resist, or possibly overthrow a fascist government.
You have to be very, very careful in working with others. To the point of essentially having no way to communicate outside of carefully vetted groups of like minded individuals.
Imagine that situation, and those people seeing fascism taking over. They’d be ready, but without a plan, without coordination, concerted effort is difficult. This isn’t a hypothetical that allows for rapid escalations, especially in a world where false flag events happen. This imaginary situation would take a great deal of careful outreach to establish lines of communication between groups. You can imagine that those efforts would take vetting at each step because in the age of fascism, you will be facing an enemy that’s capable of completely faking any evidence they want, throwing a label on you that allows you to be held without access to attorneys or the rule of real law.
I suppose you can imagine that in that situation, you aren’t going to see many indications of action. You shouldn’t see any indications because if these hypothetical individuals and groups aren’t plain stupid, they know that showing indications is capture at best, death at worse, and the compromise of any hope of resistance at worst.
In that situation, maybe the only thing anyone can do is get armed, get trained, and be ready.
Imagine if someone waiting for whatever it is they need to be ready for can’t be armed, or can’t train. Then their goal should be to stock up supplies. Make arrangements to be able to host unexpected guests with a great deal of privacy. Maybe just take some first aid courses and have those supplies on hand.
Maybe those indications never come, in this hypothetical situation. Maybe those groups aren’t enough, maybe they can’t or don’t make contact. Maybe it never comes to be. I mean, that’s what is most likely, that nobody will be willing to take enough risk to do more than huddle up and hope nothing bad happens.
What wouldn’t make sense is for them to be out in the open giving indications they exist.
Maybe they don’t exist. Maybe the probability of all those factors coming together is so low as to be impossible. That’s certainly a possible reason for no indications as well. After all, we’re just a bunch of assholes running our mouths on a public forum, having a little fun with thought experiments.
Okay, but still
Lmao! That genuinely made me laugh in a good way :)
Me knee deep in viscous blood and corpses “the revolution wasn’t real?”
Mamma mia! Let’s-a go!
Watch out for-a Luigi!
I think the whole point of the ridiculous shit he’s done in week 1 is to abuse the slow speed of virality.
Freeze budget, content gets created, gets reversed, frozen budget content is peaking viral.
Mix of what’s going on. News says one thing, social media says another.
So yeah I think you’re right, but I think the point is civil war.
We gotta somehow unify and get one another to see it’s a class war.
Edit: I want to make clear that I feel this way because I think Donald Trump is way way smarter than we want to give him credit for. The man understands attention. That’s why he dominated in 2016. And that’s why he’s dominating your news feed now. This is not an endorsement.
The one thing Trump and Musk are both actually intelligent about is controlling the media cycle. They know how to draw focus to pointless shit so they can do their real deeds without attention.
Like run tesla into the ground? Must be doing the art of the deal.
I did say the one thing they were intelligent about.
True, that’s my bad.
Ive been saying for a while that the constant barage of Trump and Elon memes makes us think they are significantly less caipable than they are. What are the odds that the commander in cheif of the worlds most powerful military and leader of one of the worlds superpowers AND the worlds richest man, owner of one of the worlds most popular social media platforms BOTH got there by bumblefucking their way to the top? Either “they are smarter and more caipable than we give them credit for by a wide margin” or “We couldnt stop two fucking morons when they told us their plan”… Imagine losing control of American democracy to Pinky and the Brain if it was two Pinkys.
Imagine losing control of American democracy to Pinky and the Brain if it was two Pinkys.
Funny thing about that: the theme song lyrics say “one is a genius; the other’s insane” but don’t specify which is which. There’s a fan theory that Pinky is the sane one, and his seeming non-sequiturs are actually him thinking many steps ahead.
From that perspective, two Pinkys could indeed be more dangerous than two Brains, yet even more easily underestimated.
Trump sure as hell is only signing those EOs because of the titles they put on them. This fucking guy can barely read at a fifth grade level. Sure, he put the guys in charge of things that he wants or thinks he does cause they suck up to him. He’s a fucking moron.
That “Fucking moron” just dismantled democracy and installed himself in one of the 5 most powerful seats on earth… but you keep underestimating him on Lemmy and see how that works out for you.
RESPECT YOUR OPPONENT. Even if you cant stand the cheeto colored rat bastard.
He didn’t do it alone.
Smart enough to know when to delegate! I like this guy already!
The fact that you have to clarify at the end that you are not endorsing anything about the current administration, so your own side doesn’t rip you to figurative shreds, is part of the reason you guys lost the election, and part of the pervasive issue with Dems
What are they going to do, run out and attack a street pole? [Suburbia]
What are they going to do, run out and get kicked by a cow, then said cow has some lovely pooping moments on their stunned form? [Ruralia]
What are they going to do, run out and jump on a taxi, or their neighbor walking home? [Urbania]
I doubt that most people would run out and start the revolution. Most people won’t have plans or be researching targets, which would lower their threshold for starting a revolution, because it’s easier to do something if you know how you’re going to do it. Anyone who has plans or targets isn’t going to be fooled by you saying a revolution has started. Most people are juuuust comfortable enough to not want to go out to the street and start randomly fighting.
Way too many people treat life like a movie, where anything other than gripping emotional drama is just stumbled through with eyes glazed over.
I think most people would be more likely to leave if things get bad enough. Question is if they can recognize the signs before the point of no return where escape routes are closed off.
The sign was election night my dude, welcome to hell.
Over half of Americans are obese. How many can survive the night in the woods outside their house, for a single night? How many know how to make gunpowder or charcoal?
No revolution is coming until people are literally starving to death. And the powers that be will never let that happen.
It’s true. Not one of us have considered who would be a valid target; which people should mobilize; what strong holds should be taken first; what supply lines would be invaluable. That’s crazy.
I believe the term is “tinderbox”
You’d just get aimless riots if you tried it that way.
Interesting enough, that’s how the Berlin wall got taken down. It was announced in the news that it was happening immediately. The actual order was going to be the next day, but when people in the crowd started taking down the wall, no one stopped them. The soldiers were told to just stand down.
Well if you televise it like that then yes. But they say revolution will not be televised.
Grab your rifle and run out into the street… If you’re the only one in the street with a rifle, go back inside. The revolution hasn’t started yet.
Pull the ol’ Orson Welles on them?
We are not hungry enough.
we wont get any good revolution by just throwing stuff around. planning and organization are the most important aspects of a revolution
Recommenting from another post, about the news of using Guantanamo for immigrant detainees:
I sent a text to those I love in any capacity, even former coworkers who’ve probably deleted my number. Not a group text - one by one. I think it’d be prudent for all US readers to consider doing the same.
Knowing some of you are like me, in that you might not know how to word such a text to someone not expecting it from you, I offer you my copy/pasted text:
America has a concentration camp now. I won’t send you anything more…it’s kind of rude that I’m sending this one.
Literally a tactic that Russia was / is using to destabilize the US. Remotely organize an event and hope people show.