The look on her face is priceless and portrays a single, unmistakeable, message: “You lost a fine opportunity to keep silent but I’ll indulge you”.
I mean, her outfit does survive fires and explosions, so it is pretty durable.
What little of it that is
If the black box always survives, why don’t they make the whole airplane out of it? 🙃
I don’t know that Wonder Woman has the same weight restrictions as a 727.
What about her invisible plane?
I never understood the invisible plane. You can see her while she’s inside it. How is the invisibility especially helpful?
It’s especially helpful to cartoonists who can’t draw a plane.
Doesn’t show up on radar
I’m pretty sure cartoonists don’t use radar.
I’m sure we can make something up that makes sense.
I guess when it’s parked no one can find it. Also if it’s invisible to radar then she’d just look like a cloud or bird or something.
Also Superman got to fly on his own, so it’s more…fair if at least her plane is invisible…?
Ive always wondered if Superman (or any flying tights) would show up on radar. Is a person just too small of an object? Do drones show up on radar?
I guess i could look that last one up pretty easily if i wasn’t drinking my coffee and just scrolling.
Ironman popped up on radar in his first movie. I guess metal might make the reflective difference. So maybe the perfect stealth plane would be covered in skin.
I worked in aviation for a few years. I’ve heard tons of stories about birds showing up on radar. A human size object would absolutely show up.