This one is my bookmark
This one is my bookmark
Time for another game of Who’s That Nazi? !
For everyone else, so he can steal healthy lifeforce instead of sickly
Not in eternity apparently!
Edit: actually I found it, apparently I don’t have very good attention to detail when scrolling lemmy
Ah, I guess I didn’t read the full comment haha
Surprised I’m the first to say Eternity
Everybody has a test environment, but some people also have a seperate production environment
I scroll All/12hr (blocking things I don’t like, I’m not a madman) - if a community is dead I just don’t see it. So ghost communities don’t seem like anything worth a second thought to me
Skill is developing a CI/CD pipeline that enables this and makes it completely safe
Wisdom is deciding to wait until Monday anyway
yea I don’t know what’s going on with that comm and/or moderation. In general sdf seems to be one of the lightest-touch-moderated instances out there so this is really surprising
Fellow eternity user spotted! It’s never gonna let you down
Telling others how to protest is fuckin lame as hell
What’s that, like jorts made of beans or something?
Lemmy is not a monolith, quite the opposite in fact.
In my head I’ve got a whole slew of doom, black(end), and postmetal with female vocalists - and in some cases all band members
In no particular order:
I love my little k3s box and having all my config in git
Incredibly true for me these days. But don’t fret, shellcheck and tldp.org is all you need. And maybe that one stackoverflow answer about how to get the running script’s directory