If you’re living in country with free education you borrow money from poor people to get education to make rich people richer and make poor people poorer. Taxes are regresive.
Civilized countries offer the poor far more in benefits than they would take in taxes such as the obvious health care and higher education, but housing, food allowances, and even preschool are available without the BS you have to put up with in the US to access such social safety net benefits if they’re even available at all. There’s a huge difference between the poor paying a little into a system that they can access without undue burden vs the US where they pay taxes and get nowhere near the benefits civilized countries offer.
If you’re living in country with free education you borrow money from poor people to get education to make rich people richer and make poor people poorer. Taxes are regresive.
Civilized countries offer the poor far more in benefits than they would take in taxes such as the obvious health care and higher education, but housing, food allowances, and even preschool are available without the BS you have to put up with in the US to access such social safety net benefits if they’re even available at all. There’s a huge difference between the poor paying a little into a system that they can access without undue burden vs the US where they pay taxes and get nowhere near the benefits civilized countries offer.
Who are you making rich if you are self-employed? And how is you working making poor people poorer?
Where I’m from taxes are progressive…
It’s just typical americans thinking every democracy is run like their little dystopia.