Immigration should happen the legal way.
And the legal way should be a quick background check at Ellis Island and then a welcome to their new country of residency.
Fuck these quotas, fuck the lotto, fuck family-based immigration. Let the people in.
And, failing that, if the US doesn’t like all these refugees they should maybe not cancel USAID to help develop other nations and keep those people there! And maybe all those palestinian refugees wouldn’t have had to leave their homes without the US giving the IDF a bunch of weapons.
The US loves to position itself as THE place to be while destabilizing as muchbof the world as possible and then bitches when people show up asking for somewhere safe to stay. So many of these people don’t want to have to leave their homes in the first damn place!
If I were a soulless racist, AND I’M NOT, my response would be “and look how that turned out for the Native Americans.”
Exactly. It was done badly earlier and led to mass extinction is not a good argument FOR migration.
“and look how that turned out for the Native Americans.”
You may want to go earlier.
Colonists aren’t really immigrants though, their intentions aren’t to join an existing, foreign society but to create a new one or extend their existing one into another area (and in cases like the Americas, also act as an invasion force of sorts to push out existing people).
Immigration could happen the legal way if we funded and staffed the agency that processes immigration.
Republicans have opposed funding for processing immigration for decades and imposed caps on the number of people who can immigrate each year. A bill to increase funding and staffing that gave Republicans what they wanted last fall was tanked by Republicans because it would look bad for them right before the election. There was already a staffing shortage, and the recent wave of firings increased the shortage.
We only have a problem because the problem was intentionally created.
How is this a “gotcha”? The first person would agree that the colonists didn’t do it the “right” way, and it ended poorly for the natives. This just reinforces their fears
They are worried that others will treat them like they want to treat minorities.
The legal way should be expanded
It can take 20-30 years to become a citizen in the most common form of immigration in the US, Trump attacks these immigrants specifically calling this process ‘‘chain migration’’ and vilifies the people who immigrate this way. It is the most common form of legal immigration. They don’t give one fuck about legal or illegal. They hate immigrants. They want non white people ethnically cleansed.
Never seen a direct reply to this from a magat.
Good way go shut them up.
‘You specifically bring up European colonists settling in America. How did that turn out for the Indians?’
Seriously, this is probably the worst example to push for illegal immigration I can think of.
did the colonists ask [earlier migrants] for permission?
Where my clovis people at? I feel they want to weigh in on thi— oh, right.