Note that I don’t have a problem with anyone’s immigration status except Musk’s simply due to hypocrisy because he is railing against immigration when he himself is likely an illegal immigrant. I just think it’s funny that conservatives always say that immigrants are ruining the country but they have the wrong people identified as the problem.
Actually the apple picker probably lives on the farm and is too far from civilization, without any transport, to do anything about it. The conditions are truly horrid in far too many cases.
Yeah, a studio apartment is a dream for migrant farm labor. More likely they’re in a barracks-type situation with hundreds of other coworkers.
I ended up recreating the picture to fix the picture ordering and replaced barely afford with can’t afford.
I recently found out Elon was potentially an undocumented worker while “interning” in Silicon Valley. He says he got his degree at UPenn in 1995 and was at Stanford for his Master’s right after, but UPenn doesn’t have him getting his degree until 1997, and Stanford has no record of him actually enrolling in the college in 95/96, even though he was accepted. If he was legitimately interning in Silicon Valley through UPenn, why not just say that?
Plus, there is footage of him and his brother Kimbal speaking in 2013 at the Milken Institute (I can’t find the exact clip right now, unfortunately) where Kimbal admits word for word “We were illegal workers” while Elon hems and haws and says “It’s a grey area” while the crowd laughs.
The hypocrisy is so maddening.
this is the interview It’s Minute 13:30
Yes, it’s this one, thank you! Youtube search really failed me.
I know the clip you speak about, it’s infuriating.
Something I really hate about it is how it shows the insidiously deceitful meritocratic understanding of the world that’s so prevalent; by virtue of being obscenely rich, Musk is characterised as “one of the good ones”. It’s funny because going from “possibly illegal workers” to billionaire shows that Musk and co. are plucky underdogs who succeeded despite the system being against them. /s if it wasn’t clear.
The reality is that Musk is a petulant man-child who has always had more money than sense. If you gave a room full of fools 10 million, many of them would make foolish investments and lose it all. Some of them would make foolish investments and profit. That doesn’t redeem them from being fools, it just means that some of them got lucky. Some people who are unpaid PR reps for billionaires will acknowledge the huge headstart that people like Musk got from inherited wealth, but argue that being able to earn more money on top of that is evidence of skill or savvy. It’s honestly so bizarre to me that some people use Musk as an example of “see, we do live in a meritocracy”, whereas for me, he’s evidence of the opposite
I’m in Melbourne and Rupert is still ruining my life from abroad.
I am baking a celebratory cake the day he dies.
It’s disgusting how negative of an impact he’s had on the world. I might also enjoy a cake the day that happens.
At least he seems to have lost his legal case to break the family’s unbreakable trust fund.
Rupert is by far the worst thing to come out of your country. 😩
Vegemite sandwiches.
a little vegemite and butty sandwich is pretty decent.
rupert murdoch is a soulless craven propagandist.
Peter Thiel shut down Gawker for outing him. The Hulk Hogan stuff was a stunt to cover that up.
Thank you. I was telling people that when they were celebrating Gawker getting shut down and they did not give a shit. I also pointed out how disturbing it was that a billionaire could essentially twist the legal system to shut down a media outlet he hated. They did not give a shit about that either because “Gawker sucks.”
And now here we are.
People do not see the forest for the fucking trees.
I’m not sure how ready we are for the conversation about how GamerGate laid the groundwork for what we are experiencing now. (Or the earlier rumblings of ElevatorGate…)
Wait you can afford a studio apartment on apple picking?
I was thinking the same thing
Some real rural areas will sometimes have them, I know one of my kinsmen used to maintain some for season workers out in the desert where they grew agave or something. Though I will note that these types of apartments are usually maintained my folks who have actual morales meaning they are exceptionally rare nowadays.
The people who pick our food are often migratory and follow the crops when they’re ready to be picked. They don’t rent apartments. When I was younger some of my friends went to Maine to rake blueberries, they lived in tents. They got paid by how much they produced and IIRC didn’t have to pay federal taxes.
From what I’ve read, they are typically migrant workers who are housed on the farm in terrible little shacks. At least here in Washington.
Annoyed that the pictures are not in the same order their names are listed.
they didn’t even get 1/3! 🤣
I ended up recreating the picture and fixing the issue. For some reason I feel the text looks slightly better in the original. I don’t understand why, it’s like the original is slightly less bold.
ooga booga
Whoever made this meme has no idea how bad the living situation is for migrant farm workers. Apartment? lol. They get to bunk together in some shack on the farm.
I recreated the picture and changed the wording to address that issue. Are you still seeing the old version? The one I posted should say “can’t afford a studio apartment”.
I guess I just think the wording implies that these exploited people live in relatively normal living conditions, like sharing an apartment for example, when they very much do not.
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Does an Apple picker pick iPhones off trees?
No, iPhones are built by iPhone kids in China. So called because they are specially trained in the assembly work instructions since early in childhood while their hands are still small enough.
If my iPhone don’t got tiny little child fingerprints on the components then I don’t want it!
Those three are real turds that should be booted out toward Russia or China.
This time we learned from the Austrians. Just push your fascist pricks somewhere else. Sorry USA, he’s not German
murdoch looks like mr krabs without his shell.
ruining not disturbing… what?