Crypto miners watcing AI bubble.
Crypto miners watcing AI bubble.
Okay good luck with that.
Okay if changing the system through the system is impossible then what’s your plan?
I agree, which is exactly what refusing to participate does. Lazy rationalizations help the oligarchs as much as money and brainwashing.
If by “why” you mean how the universe came about, I think yes, but not why as in a purpose for the universe. It doesn’t need a purpose to exist. Some people are bothered by that, but oh well.
Basic black never goes outta style.
I think what people are missing is Trump/Vance being the worst possible outcome. But yes, real power does come from organizing - not from sitting in front of a screen “raising awareness”.
Gnome? Fuckin’ A, man, D&D is awesome! I’d rather play 3.5 tho.
That’s right, they aren’t going to overcome their irrational fears. They’ll have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the future until it becomes normal and they realize the sky didn’t fall. I actually had hope that we were on the verge of a strong progressive wave, but then millions of people decided not to show up because Harris wasn’t perfect enough for them. So basically fuck y’all, and good luck with the whole People’s Front of Judea vs the Judean People’s Front deal. The thing about MAGA is they fucking show up, and they’re gonna keep showing the fuck up. Idiots need to figure out that you don’t make change happen by turning away when your ideal options don’t appear on a menu so you can click on one and go back to scrolling. /end rant
Same principle as, “A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client?”
Wow, that’s way more detail than I ever want to remember.
Sounds like Sheldon’s mom.
I find it fascinating that researchers have been able to acquire so much structural details about vaults without figuring out their purpose. It’s possible that they’re bits of evolutionary garbage - things that don’t contribute to survival in any discernible way, but also don’t hurt anything, so natural selection doesn’t get rid of them.
Weren’t there even earlier experiments with spankings and being sent to your room?
I wish stackoverflow wasn’t usually at the top of searches for tech problems. I always skip down to tutorials. I want to know how to do the thing right, not autopsies of doing it wrong.
Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.
Totally foolish. Either don’t use the code if the license doesn’t allow commercial use, or leave the license notice in place. It’s pretty straightforward.
Futurama too, I would assume - even if only indirectly via the Jetsons.
Maybe it’s just me but my reaction is “Yeah duh.” Social media sites aren’t personal repositories for your thoughts. You’re a contributor. Your posts and comments are contributions, as in fly free little bird, bye-bye. There’s no notion of having a proprietary claim on what you type. And this opinion isn’t about X or any particular platform, it’s how I felt since the days of Fark and 1990s newsgroups. I really don’t know how this is a controversy or a reason to feel affronted or bothered. If you want to own and control your material, start a blog on a service that lets you retain copyright.
Nah the hype will just make the POP louder.