Hmm… maybe not? The low density of helium at 1 atm is what causes the amplification of higher frequencies in the voicebox, but in a pressurized container the gas would be higher density so it might offset the effect… I think?
Hmm… maybe not? The low density of helium at 1 atm is what causes the amplification of higher frequencies in the voicebox, but in a pressurized container the gas would be higher density so it might offset the effect… I think?
The first step to a successful revolution is destroying all competing revolutionaries
Scale. It’s about scale and centralization. Sure there were slaves but capitalism made more than ever in human history.
Depends on who you ask, and when, I guess. For instance, if you asked one of the nations conquered by the Mongols, they would’ve said that empire was the largest enslaver in history.
The Mongol Empire established a massive international slave trade founded upon war captives enslaved during the Mongol conquests, which were distributed by market demand around the empire via a network of slave markets connected through the cities of the empire.
Considering this was the largest contiguous empire in human history, the exploitation and damage was pretty extensive.
They do this shit on purpose. Years ago I worked for the evil empire (Wal-Mart) and they put all the coffee filters next to the coffee makers in the appliance section, not with the coffee in the grocery section or with the consumable paper products. It forces customers to walk around the store to find things. And they would rearrange it every 6 months or so.
Don’t buy “smart” cloud-connected appliances, ever. Even if they don’t start trying to charge for shit like this, eventually the service will go offline breaking the product. (should we call this forced obselescence, somewhat different from planned obsolescence?)
We need more buyer demand for “dumb” appliances. Vote with your wallet.
Cowboy Bebop
What happens in the abyss stays in the abyss.