Imagine how much more valuable alphabet stocks would be if they hadn’t destroyed the core design and user experience of their search engine 😅
Most of the current value of AI comes from the fact that Google is useless now.
Imagine how much more valuable alphabet stocks would be if they hadn’t destroyed the core design and user experience of their search engine 😅
Most of the current value of AI comes from the fact that Google is useless now.
Found this forum post via google lens: the rack in the image looks kinda similar
Nobody calls a VR headset 3D glasses 😅
VR glasses are not a thing yet.
Could be really nice to have for seated VR games such as racing games if they can get the game to detect the display as a VR headset using steam vr or something.
You’re confusing the head/eye tracking part with the 3d part.
But yeah they say they have eye/head tracking too.
It’s no different on the game software side to 3d glasses, assuming it doesn’t just do it as a post process on the display, which generally looks garbage and adds a ton of input lag.
Technically correct 😅
People also quit because of low pay. I guess I’m lucky to have never had a bad manager, but that hasn’t stopped me from quitting 😅
I promise I’m smart my brain is just sautéed.
Let’s say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor.