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Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • I’m in Australia. We’re not any better than the US or Britain though. Sliding to the right, no climate action, concentration of wealth, et cetera. We didn’t just elect Trump, but I fear that time is coming.

    I think in these troubled times you just have to focus on the things you can control and practice tolerance and serenity for the rest.

    In practice this means investing your time and effort in performing the ideals you want to uphold. Whether that’s saying hello to a neighbor donating to a charity, or regularly volunteering for a cause you care about.

    At this point, it’s strong charities and community groups that will mitigate the challenges that will emerge in the coming years.

  • I’ve found it to be unnecessarily complex, confusing, and tightly coupled with other microsoft products.

    I’m a consultant with several assistants. I really just want to sync a ~20gb folder with those assistants. This is easily achievable with dropbox or nextcloud for example, it works exactly as you’d expect.

    In onedrive it was always just a muck around. What is sharepoint and how is it related to onedrive? Why do different staff have access to different features in some folders but not others? How can staff create upload requests for clients? How do I avoid being notified about every change a staff member makes?

    I always felt as though I needed to have some kind of microsoft certification in order to address this very simple use case.

    I’m sure someone will be along in a moment to tell me how easy all of this is and how silly I am for not being able to address it. I don’t care. I also think it’s fair to point out that this microsoft ecosystem is incredibly powerful and the configuration issues I find frustrating are required for larger more complex organisations.

  • “I think you’re a bot” is just a cheap insult.

    Addressing the threat of climate change is not going well. Talking about it frankly may be “doomerist” but that does not make it untrue.

    We’re producing more CO2 than we ever have. The detrimental effects of CO2 are emerging more quickly than we had thought. All over the world we’re electing governments disinclined to take any action.

    To look at this situation and conclude that rolling out solar production is a positive thing is naive.

    “This whole climate change thing could be a bit worse, so that’s positive… right?”

  • Of course there can be an 0th year.

    Kids don’t start at 1 because they can’t be 0, you start counting by days weeks and months and then years. This wasn’t even a problem though, because in the 0th year people weren’t walking around referencing dates according to whatever calendar we use.

    If no years have elapsed then it’s the 0th year.

    It sounds to me as though some idiot named the 0th year “1”, which just happens to be a numeral.

  • Can I add fashion to this?

    100% willing to admit I’m the weird one here, or maybe I’m just old enough now, but holy cow some trends are just daft and make people look like absolute idiots.

    I live in a regional / remote area where fashion tends to take several years to arrive… presently all the studly men are wearing their socks pulled up? It’s just silly.

    … and don’t get me started on sunglasses and frames. IDK how to describe the current trend… it’s like a huge single piece of plastic instead of 2 discrete lenses.

  • The model the US uses […] places the start of each season on the solstices and equinoxes which means that midsummer is actually the start of summer there.

    We do meteorological here in Australia so December to February style. I had no idea there were places that put the equinox as the start.

    That said, dividing the year into 4 seasons has always seemed very reductive to me. Our local indigenous aboriginals describe the weather in 6 seasons. People who have spent a life time observing the weather in the course of earning a living can describe what changes in patterns to expect from month to month. Of course, this knowledge is only applicable locally.