There’s the problem. Instead of letting other people make their own choices, you’re prescribing what they should and shouldn’t do.
If you told me in my face “there’s no excuse to have more than one child” while i want multiple children, i would see it as an assault and would react accordingly (that might include punching you in the face.)
unless you are able to properly provide for all of them.
That’s what we need UBI (Universal Basic Income)
By the way, what you’re saying feels the same as in the 1960 when women were expected to carry children (without being asked, of course). Just as we condemn that today, we should condemn people pushing other people to have fewer children.
Thank you! Reproductive freedom includes not just access to abortion, but also the choice of how many children (if any) to have. Applying arbitrary restrictions to the number of kids other people can have would be the same kind of controlling garbage.
There’s the problem. Instead of letting other people make their own choices, you’re prescribing what they should and shouldn’t do.
If you told me in my face “there’s no excuse to have more than one child” while i want multiple children, i would see it as an assault and would react accordingly (that might include punching you in the face.)
That’s what we need UBI (Universal Basic Income)
By the way, what you’re saying feels the same as in the 1960 when women were expected to carry children (without being asked, of course). Just as we condemn that today, we should condemn people pushing other people to have fewer children.
Thank you! Reproductive freedom includes not just access to abortion, but also the choice of how many children (if any) to have. Applying arbitrary restrictions to the number of kids other people can have would be the same kind of controlling garbage.
Isn’t UBI just a way to accelerate inflation? How will that help anyone?
there’s a certain amount of money in the economy. let’s say $1 million.
of that, $500K belongs to the billionaires and $500K to the average people. Which means the population owns half of all.
Now, you distribute another $1 million among the average people.
Now, the billionaires still have $500K, but the people have $1.5 million, which is 3/4, which is more than 1/2, so it’s an improvement.