In case you can’t tell, I’m passionate about rationality and critical thinking.

However, I still appreciate a freshly-baked π.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2024

  • Some months back, there was a thread here on Lemmy where people were discussing western names written using Chinese characters. Phonetically, the names will sound alike. But meaning-wise, the characters will result in a Correct Horse Battery Staple-esque string of words.

    Which is why I have since decided to make passwords by typing random names into a Chinese name generator and using the English translated result.

    Sounds like a lot of work, but the way I see it, trying to think of new passwords is always work so I might as well have fun with it.

  • A relationship that never fights is unrealistic and a problem

    I’m not sure how you define “fight.” For me (and probably many others), it conjures an image of violence.

    A lot of people in relationships resolve disagreements through discussion. If a partner were unable to discuss an issue without getting violent (even non-physical violence, like shouting), they wouldn’t remain my partner. Point is, being able to resolve issues in a mature way is a basic requirement for many relationships.

    I know that isn’t everyone’s experience though. I can only imagine how much crap you’ve been through for “relationship fights” to feel so normal. I’m sorry, that has to really suck. :(

  • Does refusing to program a drone prevent a cancer patient from receiving treatment? Do these drones prevent organ rupture in ectopic pregnancies? When asked to program armed drones, are you also sitting face-to-face with a person who is suffering or dying because you aren’t actively programming them?

    The denial of healthcare involves victims. Nobody’s hurt when you refuse to do a drone-programming job, but witholding a medically-necessary abortion directly results in avoidable human suffering. That’s the key difference that makes these situations incomparable.