Solt and Peppor
Eyyy, first pair I thought of as well!
Kiki and Bouba.
Any relation with this ?
“JASPER!!! HORUS!!!” Is permanently accessible in my brain as a soundbite lol, she was a great voice actress.
As the regional representative here to ruin your day: the guy’s name is Horace.
Horus was a sun god. No relation.
101 Dalmatians was literally the first thing that came to mind.
Orstein and Smough
Godskin Duo
it’s tried and true
I’d put Jay and silent Bob too if I didn’t fucking despise every gif I I’ve seen of them
Those aren’t bad guys though. (Okay, that’s debatable for Jerry and George.) They’re also not henchmen.
Incidentally, I just showed my teenager Laurel and Hardy’s The Music Box. She loved it. So I agree with the ‘tried and true’ part.
not bad guys, but comedy duos… which is usually the case for the henchmen; one’s big and dumb, and ones thin and smarter.
oh also penn and teller! though penn lost a lot of weight but he’s tall af so he’s always gonna be heavier than teller.
It’s more bulky vs. wiry, but you could also include Walter Mathau and Jack Lemmon.
Steven Fry and Hugh Laurie
David Mitchell and Robert Webb
The one on the left gives me “Nepheru just made a flirtatious pass at you, while simultaneously insulting you” vibe.
Since it was just Christmas…
“Haha what?”
banana and orange theory
21 and 24
The godskin duo from Elden Ring
I still get nightmares… to the time before I knew sleep worked.
St. TrinaMiquellaGod of Twinks
These two on Rebels:
Moments later is when the show reveals just what kind of show it is.
By the power of Ra!
🎼So, you think you’ve got friends in high places, With the power to put us on the run?
Well, forgive us these smiles on our faces, You’ll know what power is when we are done, son!🎶