Me who often has super mundane, but extremely vivid dreams of just regular life, including using my phone: Why can’t I dream about riding a dinosaur in a massive McDonald’s warehouse like I did when I was 12? 😮💨
Mine were either falling from great heights, riding in a car and driving off a bridge, getting crushed in a collapsing tunnel (lots of bridges and underwater tunnels where I grew up), or full blown hardcore pornographic dreams that involved the weirdest shit imaginable that made me question my sanity when I woke up.
Have you tried lucid dreaming? It’s fairly simple to get into. A lucidity check throughout the day that gives you something to check for in dreams. Mine is placing my fingertips over my nostrils and breathing in. If I can’t breathe, I’m awake, if I can, I’m asleep. Once you get into the habit of doing it you’ll start doing it in your dreams, and as soon as you realize you’re asleep you can take control. Just don’t close your eyes or look in mirrors.
Me who often has super mundane, but extremely vivid dreams of just regular life, including using my phone: Why can’t I dream about riding a dinosaur in a massive McDonald’s warehouse like I did when I was 12? 😮💨
When I was 12, most of the dreams I remember were about fire, spiders, or super-embarrassing myself at school. I do NOT miss them
Mine were either falling from great heights, riding in a car and driving off a bridge, getting crushed in a collapsing tunnel (lots of bridges and underwater tunnels where I grew up), or full blown hardcore pornographic dreams that involved the weirdest shit imaginable that made me question my sanity when I woke up.
12 is a super awkward age. Lmao
Have you tried lucid dreaming? It’s fairly simple to get into. A lucidity check throughout the day that gives you something to check for in dreams. Mine is placing my fingertips over my nostrils and breathing in. If I can’t breathe, I’m awake, if I can, I’m asleep. Once you get into the habit of doing it you’ll start doing it in your dreams, and as soon as you realize you’re asleep you can take control. Just don’t close your eyes or look in mirrors.
Then I’d just be scrolling my phone, but the memes suck because I have to manually think of them.
I mean, you control it, and effort and exhaustion don’t exist. Go ride a dinosaur, or schtupp your secret crush