You know what the worst part of this is? This run of western fascism doesn’t even have the aesthetics to make it palatable. That “seig heil” was so fucking uncoordinated it made the Australian break dancing lady look like a prima ballerina. Everyone is dressed like they bought clothes from the bargain bin at Ross. The decorations are giving mid-budget state fair.
We’re gonna be ethnically cleansed by old, poorly dressed, unatheltic losers 😭
Nah, there’s gonna be bodies on both sides if they think they’re gonna try any of that shit.
Something the KKK Nazi Russian Mafia lover fucks forgot, they aren’t the only ones packing heat.
the fact that theres an argument in favor of that is insane. but its where we are.
I’m Canadian, I spent the last 3 years mentally numbing myself and accepting the possibility that we could formally be at war with Fascist Russia in my lifetime, it’s not that much of a gear shift to use that same consideration that there could be a war with a Fascist American faction too. Except the whole, My country turns into Frozen Iraq and has to deal with an American occupation. (Chechnya without the beards?)
No, I’m serious though! There’s no big couture house attached to dressing the President or VP families this time around, Ivanka is clearly wearing a copy of a post-WWII Dior silhouette (don’t get me started) because they didn’t want anything to do with her, and Badgley Mischka put out a statement saying that Usha Vance bought her dress by herself, they were never consulted.
These fugly losers are so fucking lame even with ALL THAT MONEY.
Many pieces of Nazi wardrobe were designed by Hugo Boss. I don’t even mean the company name, the person named Hugo Boss - founder of the company and member of the Nazi party.
It’s ridiculous to even attempt to minimise their role here.
“An der Entwicklung der Schnittmuster für die Uniformen waren die Unternehmen nicht beteiligt.”
“Im zentralen Fachblatt für die Uniformherstellung, dem “Uniformen-Markt” tauche das schwäbische Unternehmen “kein einziges Mal” auf.”"
Nobody denies that he was a Nazi, he just wasn’t a large manufacturer or high up in the party machinery.
Unless it’s set to shoot at anything moving it’s going to be pretty shit. And once the targeting is that wide open you just get a tennis ball machine and waste it’s ammo.
The Ukraine conflict has reports of explosive laden drones that use facial recognition software to autonomously dive bomb and detonate on targets. I can dig up the source if requested.
We’re truly on the worst timeline. And israel has its lavender ai program that comes up with “targets”. I put that in quotations because despite having targets (of dubious authenticity) israel still carpet bombed the whole place.
This isn’t a support of fascism, it’s a critique on how empty and vapid the new technocratic class is and how that’s a reflection of our society in general at this moment.
I think the cheap decorations were on purpose. All that money for his inauguration and he’s going to pocket as much as possible. So Tim Cook, Schmuckerburg, and whoever else that donated $1 million EACH to his fund, and they’re going to skimp on as much as possible and cut as many corners as possible so he can put that money in the bank. Don’t forget there are several cities and organizations that he still hasn’t paid for his rallies.
The ADL calling the keffiyeh a symbol for antisemitism while defending Elon “throwing his heart to the audience” solidifies what many progressives have already known about them.
Calling me a bot for a dark observation when I clearly state I’m one of the people slated to be in line for the ethnic cleansing sure is a choice. But I’ll explain my reasoning and give you the good faith you didn’t give me.
Art and aesthetics were a big part of Nazi Germany. Many Nazi Party Germans got to look at beautiful works of art and enjoy public works in the Greco-Roman style as they were supporting shipping of Jewish people and minorities to concentration camps. The technocrats this time around haven’t even given their supporters that. Instead we get infighting and outrage on social media.
You know what the worst part of this is? This run of western fascism doesn’t even have the aesthetics to make it palatable. That “seig heil” was so fucking uncoordinated it made the Australian break dancing lady look like a prima ballerina. Everyone is dressed like they bought clothes from the bargain bin at Ross. The decorations are giving mid-budget state fair.
We’re gonna be ethnically cleansed by old, poorly dressed, unatheltic losers 😭
He did a second one that seemed far more coordinated in terms of its posture.
Nah, there’s gonna be bodies on both sides if they think they’re gonna try any of that shit. Something the KKK Nazi Russian Mafia lover fucks forgot, they aren’t the only ones packing heat.
Better for someone to finally snap, than for everyone to keep going along with it?
the fact that theres an argument in favor of that is insane. but its where we are.
I’m Canadian, I spent the last 3 years mentally numbing myself and accepting the possibility that we could formally be at war with Fascist Russia in my lifetime, it’s not that much of a gear shift to use that same consideration that there could be a war with a Fascist American faction too. Except the whole, My country turns into Frozen Iraq and has to deal with an American occupation. (Chechnya without the beards?)
At least the nazis had cool leather jackets
No, I’m serious though! There’s no big couture house attached to dressing the President or VP families this time around, Ivanka is clearly wearing a copy of a post-WWII Dior silhouette (don’t get me started) because they didn’t want anything to do with her, and Badgley Mischka put out a statement saying that Usha Vance bought her dress by herself, they were never consulted.
These fugly losers are so fucking lame even with ALL THAT MONEY.
Designed by Hugo Boss. One of the many companies that profited immensely from and supported nazism ferociously.
Not designed by Hugo Boss. They were only one of many manufacturers (the main one ). It was designed by Karl Diebitsch.
I honestly don’t know if this is a real name or a joke.
Many pieces of Nazi wardrobe were designed by Hugo Boss. I don’t even mean the company name, the person named Hugo Boss - founder of the company and member of the Nazi party.
It’s ridiculous to even attempt to minimise their role here.
No they weren’t:
It doesn’t feel like you read your own thing
“An der Entwicklung der Schnittmuster für die Uniformen waren die Unternehmen nicht beteiligt.” “Im zentralen Fachblatt für die Uniformherstellung, dem “Uniformen-Markt” tauche das schwäbische Unternehmen “kein einziges Mal” auf.”"
Nobody denies that he was a Nazi, he just wasn’t a large manufacturer or high up in the party machinery.
TBH they will probably send their murder drones to do the dirty work.
Unless it’s set to shoot at anything moving it’s going to be pretty shit. And once the targeting is that wide open you just get a tennis ball machine and waste it’s ammo.
…tell me you don’t know anything about the terror of drone warfare without telling me you don’t understand the terror of drone warfare.
drones don’t need precision they are a terror weapon…
I’m fully aware of what drones are capable of.
The Ukraine conflict has reports of explosive laden drones that use facial recognition software to autonomously dive bomb and detonate on targets. I can dig up the source if requested.
We’re truly on the worst timeline. And israel has its lavender ai program that comes up with “targets”. I put that in quotations because despite having targets (of dubious authenticity) israel still carpet bombed the whole place.
Which is about how AI targeting goes these days.
Facial recognition is pretty easily tricked though. Just because it’s working on the Russians does not mean it will work everywhere.
We’re going to have to develop anti-drone tactics.
Hugo Boss is still around, I’m sure they would be willing to reprise their previous role 👍🏻
Palatable fascism based on looks?
Yeah. Fuck this take. You’re watering it down and fuck that viewpoint.
Both the censorship and promotion of specific art and aesthetics were a big part Hitler’s plans to make fascism palatable in Germany and Italy, if you take one art history course you’d know this. Many public works you can tour to this day in those countries come from that era.
This isn’t a support of fascism, it’s a critique on how empty and vapid the new technocratic class is and how that’s a reflection of our society in general at this moment.
I think the cheap decorations were on purpose. All that money for his inauguration and he’s going to pocket as much as possible. So Tim Cook, Schmuckerburg, and whoever else that donated $1 million EACH to his fund, and they’re going to skimp on as much as possible and cut as many corners as possible so he can put that money in the bank. Don’t forget there are several cities and organizations that he still hasn’t paid for his rallies.
He pocketed $170 million today
Ehhh that’s just trump change ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Schmuckerburg is a great name omg
I feel like the worst part of this was the ADL defended him.
The ADL calling the keffiyeh a symbol for antisemitism while defending Elon “throwing his heart to the audience” solidifies what many progressives have already known about them.
Are they for real?!
They’re for real Nazi supporters
Lol, of course they did. It’s not like he called for a free Palestine or anything
Is this supposed to be funny, or are you a bot trying to normalize how fucked up this is?
Calling me a bot for a dark observation when I clearly state I’m one of the people slated to be in line for the ethnic cleansing sure is a choice. But I’ll explain my reasoning and give you the good faith you didn’t give me.
Art and aesthetics were a big part of Nazi Germany. Many Nazi Party Germans got to look at beautiful works of art and enjoy public works in the Greco-Roman style as they were supporting shipping of Jewish people and minorities to concentration camps. The technocrats this time around haven’t even given their supporters that. Instead we get infighting and outrage on social media.
That’s what my comment was making fun of.
Specifically because they have accumulated so much wealth that they can pay people to do terrible things in seemingly unterrible ways.
People forget that a large portion of the original Nazis were hardened WWI vets, not soft plutocrat tech bros.