“The south shall rise again” but like as fat inbred Nazi’s is what really confuses me. Like, we nuked Japan, that can easily explain the weird hentai, but the south? They got a black eye then allowed back into the states to start doing Jim crowd shit… Of course we only know the approved history, the constitution was illegally altered during Ww2 and for all we know, had an addition that made what racist and Nazis are doing completely illegal, but since the constitution was changed there’s no one to enforce the actual law of the land. An no one in power seems to care
I hope you have a good stamina…
There seem to be two very different approaches to being anti-nazi - the problem solvers who want to put them down like the vermin they are and move on, and the sociopaths who fantasize about violently acting out all their personal issues, with nazis being socially acceptable targets,
Cults are difficult to handle because the members of a cult are both victims of violence and perpetrators of violence.
The sad hard truth is that we need to see people trapped in far right ideology as potential allies. We need to understand the faulty reasoning and lies that led them down that path and find a way to welcome them back into a world of acceptance and empathy. Personal attacks may feel good but it only entrenches them further.
Ridicule the ideology. Point out the logical fallacies, inconsistencies and lies… Don’t let them have a platform to spread hate without opposition or counterarguments. But also understand the people spreading the hate are hurting inside and if they switch sides they can be the best allies to help counter-program others.
I agree. Hate is a byproduct of fear - the favorite tool of manipulators. Ultimately even the manipulators are victims of some kind of fear that motivates their behavior. But first you stop people from hurting others, then if they survive being stopped you can compassionately try to heal them. The attitude difference I was talking about is wanting to stop wrongdoers vs wanting them to suffer.
Not too different than Fudds in the gun community praying that someone robs them
No reason they shouldn’t enjoy their work.
TIL fantasizing before scrolling to the next entertainment item is “work” lol.
🎵it’s you and meee ina room full of Nazis 🎵
Depending on how many people are there I’m not a fan of 2 on X
alternatively instead of crowbars what if
+fistfull of dollar
+fistfull of dollar
+disrespectWith freebird playing in the background
Beating nazis while cosplaying as Gordon Freeman? Where do I sign?
The incompatibilitist consequentialist in me says no but the cathartic revenge hedonist in me says yes.
I dunno what them big words mean, but I see a yes in there and thats all I need to hear
Breaking it down, the ‘no’ comes basically from “Free will doesn’t exist so no one can justly be punished and violence just causes pain and a cycle of more violence”
The ‘yes’ comes from "We’re all dead one day anyway and it is intrinsically pleasurable to harm/kill people who have wronged me, my loved ones, or any innocent people. "
The latter is actually a more unethical embrace of pleasure.
On a broader scale though I’m against both the death penalty and revenge/vigilante killing, but I actually think the latter is comparatively less unethical in a vacuum. At least in the case of revenge/vigilante killing someone is getting something out of it.
You and what army?
Is there an unexpectedletterkenny?
If not, pitter patter
Sometimes I go to my Facebook spam messenger folder and send whatever weirdo trying to hit on me a bunch of Letterkenny quotes and confuse them.
I appreciates that about you
Eyes on your own work there super chief.
Redundant but acceptable