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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I don’t really know why. Since I was a kid it feels like there is so much more hate, so much more Red vs Blue. It feels like everyone assumes if you are republican or democrat that you must be far right or left. Gods forbid there are moderates. Gods forbid you care about your neighbor regardless of political or religious belief or the choices they make.

    It feels like “fuck you I’m taking my share and screwing you over” in order to make it in this capitalist society. It feels like philanthropy is a joke, that rich people don’t invest in it unless it’s a tax break. It’s funny we don’t see new buildings built with art or frills outside. It’s just cold, monolithic type buildings which are as cold as the assholes running it inside. Very few companies care about their customers or employees. They just want those quick profits for the quarter. Fuck everyone else as long as they get their share. They expect this profits to go on forever but they don’t realize that it has to end sometime and I hope every one of those companies collapse because of how hollow they’ve become. I know these are weird things to focus on but I feel like they are symptoms of bigger problems. It shows what is becoming a primary value in society which is MONEY MONEY MONEY instead things like ethics or looking at the bigger picture.

    And fuck all these politicians who are busy lining their pockets with gold. Gods forbid they act like civil servants or at least vote on what is best for the people. There are industries that will get you fined and imprisoned if you commit fraud or the APPEARANCE THERE OF. Politicians should have similar laws slapped on them. Same goes for the Supreme Court which has become a fucking joke.

    I’m sure there’s a lot of little reasons that add up to this shit. I’m sure politicians stomping on education has a lot to do with it. It feels like critical thinking is not a basic skill anymore. Sure we can blame ourselves a little, but is it really all our fault?

    And Jesus christ this brain dead social media crap where people just shit all over the internet and post comments or videos full of lies or contraversial crap just to get clicks because of either bullshit popularity or once again MONEY MONEY MONEY.

    I do what I can to tolerate and not create this division of the country and to do what I can locally in the political landscape but I feel powerless to make any real change. That powerlessness is frustrating and infuriating. So yeah, when I see one asshole Ceo get taken out I feel a little glee and I hope it sends a message. I don’t wish ill will upon others, but I’m not going to not say “he had that coming.” I don’t know if that is what others in my country feel but that’s how I feel.

  • Keep trying! It’ll get easier. I remember having similar issues. There was so much I wanted but I could barely afford the essentials on minimum wage. I still bought dumb shit and some of it I was glad I said fuck it and bought. But coming up with “qualifying questions” and sticking to them helped. And the more I said no to purchases, the easier it got. The number one question I would ask myself before I bought something is “will I actually use it?”

    Also consider places like thrift stores for household stuff at a cheaper price. Yard sales are also good but try to catch them on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. And make a list of things you need. Then that way if you see a good sale or see something at the thrift store you can say “This is on my list of things I need/want, yes I can buy this.”

    Another thing you can do when online shopping, especially if it’s over like 20$ or something (you set that limit), is put it in your “cart” and wait 24 hours. That will stop impulse buys. If you see something at the store, tell yourself that you’ll sleep on it and if you really want it you’ll come back tomorrow and get it.

    I’m sure there are more/better tactics but these are what helped me. But yes, the way things are structured in our society everything is seeking to convince us we need all this shit by hyping it up or putting it on fake sales or and using tons of other psychology tactics to get us to buy. Try your best to ignore the hypes and commercials and delay before buying. By delaying it gives you a chance to get away from those tactics, look at the product again when those tactics are not immediately pressing, and it helps you make an objective decision. It’s hard at first but it gets easier each time you do it.