Is this one a lie, too?
Truth is subjective 🙏
I’ve been trained to not trust cake.
Lobsters are commonly referred to as bugs as well.
There is no scientific definition of “bug”, but the folk definition seems to be any invertebrate, typically with more than four limbs.
The order Hemiptera would like a word with you.
Tbh this is why I don’t like eating lobster or crab. I just can’t get over the fact that they look like giant sea beetles and it grosses me out. So many people love them but I just can’t do it.
Shrimp as well. It’s weird and for me the flavor isn’t good enough to justify eating weird crunchy sea bugs
Crunchy? You aren’t supposed to eat the shell
Moist crunch, not hard crunch. Like grapes I guess. It’s gross.
I’ve eaten cooked bugs before, properly prepared, it’s pretty good
Can’t remember what kind of bug it was specifically, but I do remember it was fried
Small crickets maybe? I haven’t had them in years but they’re delicious with the right seasoning.
Sounds about right, I keep thinking Cockroaches, but I’d be too grossed out about those bastards so it was probably crickets lol
I would never eat a fucking cockroach. Disgusting things.
They seemed to be a common enough ingredient in tacos for the short while I was in Mexico. They are pretty good.
Yeah the ones I had were in Mexico. So crunchy and good with salt, lime, and chili.
I’ve eaten multiple types of insects. All but one (giant water bug, tasted way too much like juniper, which I hate) have been decent. Ants are kind of citrusy because of the formic acid. Meal worms and the beetle larvae I had were kind of nutty. The crickets I had were the style they do in Oaxaca, Mexico, which is fried with chile and lime, so it’s basically just crunchy chili lime flavor.
Incidentally, you can get cricket flour, which is exactly what it sounds like. You can either use it as a flour substitute (it also has a nutty flavor) or blend it with plant-based flours and use it in a standard baking recipe either way. And you won’t get little legs stuck in your teeth or anything.
So is lobsters and crabs.
Eating them anyway, though.
yes but there’s a distinction with lobsters, crabs and crawfish that shrimp do not posses:
Shrimp taste like rubbery turds. there’s a reason the cocktail comes with a bucket of ketchup garbage.
Shrimp taste very similar to crawfish to me. I can’t really tell the difference. I like both, though.
crawfish have a flavor to them and aren’t as rubbery. closer to scallops to my tastebuds.
shrimp taste like canned assholes even when they’re fresh.
YMMV, that’s why it’s called taste.
Seems like I enjoy canned assholes. I never knew.
mmm… just like mom used to make
shrimp kinda taste like dirt to me, but i like crab.
However I did learn that my throat feeling like it was closing up after eating seafood ISNT normal and went to the doctor and now I’m not allowed to eat crab anymore :(
They taste fine to me. Are you sure you had them prepared by a competent chef? Sure they can taste awful, but they don’t have to.
had them in the us, uk, hk, mexico, brazil, prawns to wee 'uns, and I thoroughly enjoy damn near the rest of the ocean’s bounty. something different about shrimp. they’aint right.
Fair enough. They do have a distinctive flavor.
At least the message is delivered on a cake.
蛯 (Japanese “Ebi”) = prawn. 蛯 (Simple Chinese “Lao”) = cricket.
It occurred to me while playing Helldivers that all the bugs we were killing would probably taste like crab after boiling.
puts on bib and grabs the shell crackers
Hmm. Deep rock too probably.
edit: ok fuck whoever posted that fake PNG
Lol yeah I had to figure out that Google Image Search has an option to search for images with transparency. Otherwise you have so many out there that are questionable.
Steam crabs, don’t boil them
Every time I look at the hive guards after killing them, I think how delicious they look.
I want to eat the hive guards. For democracy.
Are shrimps bugs, though?
Depends on the definition of bug. Entemological true bugs are a very specific class of insects, but the term bug was used to describe any arthropod for significantly longer than proper taxonomy has been around.
So if you’re a biologist, no, if you’re an anthropologist, yes.
Someone covered in brine shrimp would be more likely to feel covered in bugs than covered in marine crustaceans though.
Entomological etymology.
Tyler’s new album title
I’d like to subscribe to more covered in sea creatures facts.
Giant isopods have been filmed swarming sharks to impede their movement and gill function when the local detritus is lacking nutrients.
Hell there’s a video of them killing small sharks. Terrifying little bugs.
And they’re fucking delicious.
What flavor is the cake?
ever eaten anything with red in it? (like the icing decorations on the pictured cake)
Chocolate milk uses red algae as a stabilizer
That’s pretty interesting.
You never think about, but most of everything is dyed. And that dye has to come from somewhere.Also, ever eaten a shiny candy? Chances are is coated in confectioners glaze, which is a fancy word for shellac, which is an insect excretion.
So is crab and molluscs
Oh, you have no idea.
You can have them by the fistful like this, shell and all.
Then why don’t they call it bug fried rice? Checkmate Atheists