I’m living in a city with a housing situation that’s fucked even if you have a halfway good income, and my lease will end this year.
I am lucky enough to have a safety net of friends and family, but if I didn’t, I could very much face homelessness this year, as someone who’s employed, and “functioning” in the eyes of society.
Sometimes I have half a mind to go to spend the rest of my existance in some remote monestary, but I feel I am not quite religious to the necessary degree. Or at all.
If homelessness was a choice, no one would be homeless because why would someone choose to be homeless?
I have a friend who chose it. Had a job with early retirement pension, was buying a house he could afford. They made a minor adjustment to his contract and he snapped, quit the job, abandoned the mortgage and let the house go back to the bank, and took his son and moved to California to live in his car. Ten years later he’s still doing that. He works occasionally as a delivery driver when he feels like it.
When you only are responsible for yourself this is a legit thing in my eyes. If this is the life he prefers and he is happy, go ahead.
Doing this when you have a child is an irresponsible asshole move in my opinion. You are forcing your child into a live that just can’t be as healthy for them, physically and mentaly, then a more secure setting (that he had before) would be.
Being a free range human has its perks…it’s the way we are meant to be
Homeless increased 18% last year, 13% in 2023. Source: AP news
I am disgusted that poverty continues to be considered a failing of the individual when it should in reality be considered a failing of the group, and that group is America as a whole.
Seriously, do other countries struggle with homelessness anywhere near this badly?
Yes. Parts of Canada have serious homelessness problems and many cities like mine like to pretend we don’t. Our mayor routinely gets the police involved to relocate them and then is just like see problem solved!
There’s still time to donate to Trump’s inauguration fund in order to get federal disaster relief.
/swill smith burned a town to the ground with a single hadouken and it’s still going
Can’t read that
It is a choice though, a choice by the oligarchs and policy makers who run this shit show of a planet. It just isn’t a choice on behalf of the people who are actually suffering.
Yes, My friend,
When I was homeless,
I had “chosen” to be disabled,
“chosen” to live in a country where applying for benefits takes years,
“chosen” to live in a country where healthcare costs weren’t covered after I lost my job,
“chosen” to live in a country where the landlord’s profit was more important than my survival.
It’s still a choice.
It’s just not a choice you made.
are these those mental health and drug addiction people that Musk said were the fake homeless ?
It is a choice. An intentional policy choice. Made by our government on behalf of an oligarchy of parasitic oxygen thieves who should all be killed.
But most of yall aren’t ready for that discussion.
But most of yall aren’t ready for that discussion.
Do you know where you are
This is a .world comm, anything that doesn’t repeat CIA introduced facts is usually banned for misinformation, and anything that threatens or challenges the world is that US capitalism is the best thing for humanity is banned and suppressed.
Lemmy servers aren’t that well separated from each other. Saying that stuff anywhere on Lemmy is preaching to the choir.
You’d think so, but . world’s TOS is a poison that tends to enshittify all its comms eventually. It’s also absolutely not preaching to the choir on e.g. world or news .world.
1950 called, they want their manufactured east/west divide back.
Id love to leave it back there, except everyone on .world is celebrating the Tiktok ban because ‘those sneaky Chinese were stealing their data’. Half of .world believes China is a dictatorship with xi being a king. This level of propaganda didn’t end in the 1950s.
I hear the same sentiment here daily. It’s a highly popular sentiment too.
If .world is trying to silence it then they’re doing a piss poor job.
Ooh. Me, me, me… I am.
The government doesn’t work for you. You vote then in, sure, but they work for the lobbyists of large corporate interests.
Any policy you want will only pass if the corporations want it to, or they don’t believe it will make a substantive difference in their ability to exploit your labor for profit, and take from you every dime, nickel, and dollar they can. They’ll only keep you happy enough to not revolt, and beyond that, you’re entirely fucked from all angles.
The government isn’t a monolith.
Yes, there are oligarchs influencing policies that make a standard of living hell on earth.
There are also great people within the government who are actively trying to improve the state of things.
it’s all about possession of power. the good people working for the feds have to do their good work despite their bosses handing our value over to the greedy parasites
No, it’s all about who possesses money. Corporations got $100 against every one of your puny worthless votes.
money is the measurable possession of power
Not necessarily. Power and money are often hand in hand, but power can exist without money.
“Just get another house. Duh.”
As some
wisefamous guy once said: Just sell your house and move!To who Ben? A fucking dragon?
yeah, or a non-fucking dragon would be possible too
Anybody who has ever said this is a spoiled moron.