Oh, you want to change topics and talk about the environment now? OK. Let’s talk about the environment.
Biden oversaw the largest expansion of oil drilling in American history. Have US CO2 emissions declined under Biden’s term? He also put up huge tariffs on Chinese EVs, batteries, and solar panels. He chose to put American business interests ahead of helping the environment. A few days ago, as a lame duck, he grabbed headlines by barring oil drilling in a bunch of US waters. But he only banned drilling in areas that the oil industry has no interest in operating in anyway. The coastal areas that actually have a potential for future drilling expansion? He left those alone. All style and no substance; it’s the Biden way.
He’s taken the exact same kind of market-oriented approaches to climate change that have got us where we are. The core idea of his IRA act was that if we just produce a whole lot of solar panels and batteries, that the magic of the market will sort itself out. No need for taxes on carbon. No need for restrictions on new drilling. Just produce enough EVs, and everything will sort itself out. Instead, what’s happening is we’re simply using the solar revolution to increase our total energy use as a species. We’re paving the desert in solar panels while also continuing to burn fossil fuels at a record pace. Neoliberal environmentalists can’t actually help the environment, because they insist on doing everything through market mechanisms. And energy is so useful the market will seek to exploit every energy source possible.
They can’t even fathom the idea of outlawing new oil or gas expansion. Banning something profitable? To them that’s like trying to visualize a four-dimensional object. They simply cannot comprehend the idea. “Wait, we can just ban something? But what about the corporate donors? What if Republicans use that ban to paint us as liberal extremists?”
Even on environmentalism, the issue you chose precisely because it puts Biden and the other centrist Dems in the best possible light, they have failed miserably.
Behold the environmental record of neoliberalism, like the Writing upon the Wall:
The US chart is less damning. It exhibits a slight downward trend as we’ve outsourced so much of our manufacturing:
But even looking at that graph, I see zero impact of presidential administration on CO2 emissions. Democrat or Republican in power? It has no impact on CO2 emissions. Industry is mostly left to do as it will.
The core philosophical promise of neoliberalism is, “forget fairness, justice, or doing what’s ‘right.’ Instead follow whatever pragmatic market-based solutions will produce the best outcome.” And that premise is now its epitaph.
I don’t give a damn what a politician says. Democrats certainly talk in big flowery language about the environment. But when actually in office, they turn down opportunity after opportunity to actually improve things. As it is in the environment, so in every other issue.
Even the identity politics is pretty shallow. They talk a big game about LGBT rights or the black community. But what do they really do? They didn’t manage to pass an updated Civil Rights act to fix the most egregious Supreme Court rulings. They put Senate decorum and preserving the filibuster ahead of protecting our democracy. Or how about codifying Roe v Wade? Did that happen? Or how about something that was proposed that wasn’t implemented - allowing doctors to set up abortion clinics on US government property in red states. That wouldn’t have required any Congressional approval. Did that happen? No. Nothing. Using the full force of the Justice Department to come down on states that restrict trans rights? No, didn’t do that either. Hell, Biden hasn’t even managed to reschedule marijuana yet. His geriatric ass couldn’t even get that done.
They talk a big game, but they deliver little. Ultimately they will always fall back to the idea that any serious attempt to help minorities will require 60 votes in the Senate, because the filibuster is just too sacred to let go, even if it’s to help people. And even if they got 60 votes, just as with things that require only 51 votes, there will always be a rotating villain of the week ready to throw a wrench in the works. Republicans police their caucus and whip up their votes when needed on big issues. Democrats wring their hands and say, “well, he/she is from a conservative state, and we’re lucky to have the seat at all!” This type of thing never seems to prevent Republicans from passing the legislation they want to. They always find a creative way to do it with a 50 vote majority, or they inevitably find a few dems willing to support some horrible bill in the name of “bipartisanship.”
We are likely to see bills pass the Senate this term explicitly restricting trans rights. Sports and childhood access to medication will be the likely targets for first federal legislation. And you can be damn sure that there will be a good portion of the Democratic caucus voting for such measures. The centrist dems will quietly remove the pronouns from their email signatures, and they’ll happily vote to restrict trans rights.