Depending on the item in question, we can fill either role.
You don’t want to see the house where both of them are garbage loving chaos goblins.
She fills the house
I fill the garage … and no I’m not giving up my buckets of old screws and nails (I need those … all 50lbs of them)
I use my extra screws and nails. It has saved me trips to the store and a lot of frustration. I also have a box of random wood scraps. I use those all the time, too. Props for holiday decorations, securing furniture to the wall, weights to hold down tarps/plastic sheets.
My grandfather used to collect things that he found lying in the street.
He had no end of, screws, nails and the world’s largest elastic band ball.
You will never make me throw out my many boxes of redundant cables… NEVER!
When you were partying, I untangled wires.
When you were having premarital sex, I mastered cable ties.
While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, I cultivated my parts boxes.
And now that your internet isn’t working and you need a replacement CAT-6 cable, you have the audacity to come to me for help?
This hits me right in the giblets.
I did that once for a move a few years ago.
I have regretted that decision multiple times as I imagine the bag of cables that used to have the cable I needed…
Just this morning I had to convince my SO for the Nth time that our shoe carton of expired Corona tests aren’t “just fine”.
I am both of these.
Hoarding everything is my default state, but eventually I have to get firm with myself and do a Marie Kondo.
I suppose I should be grateful I only have a small home because if I had any more space I’d surely fill it.
My wife likes to fill spaces. We need this, we need that. I am the kind of person who doesn’t like to get rid of something I feel like I might use later. We both occasionally go through and just chuck a bunch of stuff. I like to be really organized about certain things, and those spaces I am not a hoarder about.
My Wife is a hoarder and bad enough about it to have therapy for it. I on the other hand, will run through the house with a scoop shovel getting rid of everything that hasn’t been used for a day or two.
It’s amazing we’re still married after 40 years.
My parents are both hoarders. I’ll inherit the house…
I automatically assume you are a total psychopath if your house doesn’t have a junk drawer. It doesn’t even make sense, where do they put their junk?
where do they put their junk?
Are we still doing phrasing?
It’s possible for these to be one person.