My dreams have no technology.
Lately too many have been about peeing, and I wake in a panic. I feel like I’m playing chicken with myself.
I think it’s an age thing. I bet the kids who grew up holding a cell phone have them in their dreams.
Literally had one last night. I dreamt there were massive riots with sword and axe armed rioters were smashing up everything. Instead of a regular emergency alert, my phone had scrolling text on a blue background warning about the event.
Your phone had a windows blue screen of death
No, it was more like a news ticker or a tornado warning that would appear when watching live TV.
I think my brain knows it would solve too many plot points too easily. I’m stuck in a 90s dreamscape where all the pay phones are broken.
Now that it’s been brought to my attention I will most certainly have a dream where I’m using my phone lol
They don’t work right when I’m trying to use them in my dreams.
Same here, and usually I’m fine with it, like it’s just below my sus level in the dreams.
My wife was just telling me about trying to look up information on a phone in her dream and couldn’t get it to give her useful information, she was trying to figure information on a disaster or something that was happening in her dream
I think the issue is that devices with screens are usually meant to be your window to experience something else. When you get immersed in something, you forget about the device and focus on the experience.
I like playing games, and when I get into a game the focus is on the game itself, not the controller/TV/etc. I’ve had dreams about games, but it’s always me experiencing the game directly and not focused at all on the details of how I’m accessing the game.
I think it’s the same with phone use, but the experiences we get on a phone are harder to imagine as a"direct experience". Things like sending a text message don’t convert well to a fully immersive experience, so I think our brain skips over them.
Hm I occasionally dream about getting messages or seeing/doing something on social media, but I never use a device when doing so. It’s just the isolated experience. It doesn’t happen very often but when it does it’s the only content of the dream.
Anytime I try to use my phone or any app, it won’t work and just pisses me off.
I’ve had them. They usually involve me fumbling with it, unable to use it in some kind of emergency.
I just had a dream where I used a laptop. I was on the phone with someone and had AirPods, but don’t remember seeing the phone.
Me who often has super mundane, but extremely vivid dreams of just regular life, including using my phone: Why can’t I dream about riding a dinosaur in a massive McDonald’s warehouse like I did when I was 12? 😮💨
When I was 12, most of the dreams I remember were about fire, spiders, or super-embarrassing myself at school. I do NOT miss them
Mine were either falling from great heights, riding in a car and driving off a bridge, getting crushed in a collapsing tunnel (lots of bridges and underwater tunnels where I grew up), or full blown hardcore pornographic dreams that involved the weirdest shit imaginable that made me question my sanity when I woke up.
12 is a super awkward age. Lmao
Have you tried lucid dreaming? It’s fairly simple to get into. A lucidity check throughout the day that gives you something to check for in dreams. Mine is placing my fingertips over my nostrils and breathing in. If I can’t breathe, I’m awake, if I can, I’m asleep. Once you get into the habit of doing it you’ll start doing it in your dreams, and as soon as you realize you’re asleep you can take control. Just don’t close your eyes or look in mirrors.
Then I’d just be scrolling my phone, but the memes suck because I have to manually think of them.
I mean, you control it, and effort and exhaustion don’t exist. Go ride a dinosaur, or schtupp your secret crush
Well my dreams last night were about a group of people that were having a competition in a barber shop to see who could cut out holes from the skin on the top of their heads without looking at how deep the incisions were and without any anesthetic…
So honestly - not looking at my phone is really the most reasonable part of the majority of my dreams.
I’ve had entire dreams in the command line, which was fairly incredible to me at the time because I still couldn’t read the characters consistently, and was only taken aback at the strangeness of such after the fact. I had a sense of what the commands meant and I knew what I was doing (hacking the planet), but while I couldn’t read it I knew what the output felt like. Dreams are weird.
Thank you for posting this, this is the first thing I thought of when this was brought up.
I have quite literally dreamed about running neo/fastfetch 😭
I also think I’ve never seen legible text in a dream. This “i know it’s text but can’t really read it” sounds a lot like the issues AI image generators have.
The rise of AI made me rethink many things about consciousness. It seem like our internal image generators and text generators are separate from “us” as in the “core personality”.
not being able to read was how batman realized he was in a induced dream state by the scarecrow in TAS. I’m pretty sure I’ve been able to read in dreams before but apparently it is a thing.
It is possible to see legible text in a dream or at least to think that you do, but it’s difficult to keep it in place. It changes at the speed of thought…
I’ve had this same feeling. Stable diffusion really got me.
I think your brain spends more time focusing on the output of reading rather than the process of reading. So your dreams skip over that process and jump straight to the comprehension.
You reminded me of when I was cramming for CCNA like 10 years ago, and had a really bad cold for which I was given Codeine.
My girlfriend at the time told me that I was rambling about “spanning tree” in my sleep.
Years back, when I was working helpdesk and was on overtime, I traveled to visit my long-distance girlfriend. The first night, I was so tired that I quickly fell asleep. Apparently, in my sleep, I kept asking her for her username so that I could log the ticket.
Recently I had a dream that involved my (smart) watch and phone. Only for knowing the time though. I thought that I had overslept for work, but every time I looked at my watch, my phone, or the clock on the wall, the time was different (but always way too late). At some point I think I woke up, because I remember looking at my watch, concluding that everything was fine and that I could still sleep and hour, and fell asleep again. But then the dream started again by pulling a “you dreamt that you overslept but now you have actually overslept”.
One time I had a dream where I saw something really cool happening (can’t remember what exactly) and I decided to take a picture with my phone to view it later.
I woke up disappointed that it wasn’t saved to my camera roll.
I cant believe nobody made an app that allows you to access photos you made in your dreams
Idk, ask the NSA if they have a copy of it